Construction Blocks

We are Manufacturer, Supplier of Construction Blocks, EPS Thermocol Blocks, Foam Blocks, Foam Construction Blocks, EPS Geofoams for Bridge Underfill, EPS Geofoam For Rail Embankment, EPS Thermocol Geofoam Blocks, EPS Geofoam Rail Embankment, EPS Geofoam For Stadium and Theatre Seating and our set up is situated in Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Bridge Under Fill

Properly designed EPS (THERMOCOL) BLOCKS can be used to support bridges. Little additional load adds to the underlying ground due to lightweight EPS (THERMOCOL) BLOCKS. In case of some existing bridge the load taking capacity is not more capable then the EPS (THERMOCOL) BLOCKS in fill can help to transfer the load on the existing bridge due to its lightweight and load safely to the foundation or underlying soil.

Foundation for lightweight structure

To replace traditional agricultural pile footing on peat soils the EPS geofoam can be used. The EPS geofoam can be used for footing due to there advantages like cost savings light weight ease of construction and transportability for reuse. To impart a net zero load on the underlying and highly compressible peat soils the footing design by the EPS geofoam. For footings of lightweight types of structure built and compressible peat or clayey soils the EPS geofoam has various choice there for the settlement of the footing is little or maybe not required.

Rail Embankment

To construct railway embankments the EPS (THERMOCOL) BLOCKS can be used which do not overload the existing soils. To support railways loads EPS (THERMOCOL) BLOCKS is strong enough as a filled material. The expansion of light rail system & front runner commuter rail system in & near the EPS (THERMOCOL) BLOCKS was used. To avoid settlement of adjacent bridges & utilities resulting from settlement of underlying take deposits the primary design was considered for the project. For the project time & cost constrain EPS (THERMOCOL) BLOCKS was chosen as the most appropriate fill material.

Road construction over poor soils

The growing need of new roadways in many cases the construction of the road is over soft & loose soils It is incapable to take supporting additional road. To solve the road problems the designer or the contractor of road must identity the innovative materials & construction techniques while building on soft soil or wet lands are present at same time to accelarative the project schedules. To prevent inacceptable loading on underlying soils & adjacent structure EPS blocks can be used to replace compressible soils or in place of heavy fill material. Traffic loadings associated with secondary & inter-state highways the EPS blocks are able to support due to its high compressive resistance.

The EPS blocks save time while construction due to its light weight & easy to handle. It is an engineered product it is already processed with Q & A testing as well the other fill material requires to take Q & A testing that is very time consuming.

A description of typical road construction from bottom to top are as follows.
  • At the base of roadway excavation compact layer of sand must be filled to provide a level & free draining construction surface.
  • Place the EPS blocks at the required height the joints may be taken vertically so as not to create vertical seams.

A separation layer may be placed between the top of EPS block it required to overlying movement system. A separation layer can have two functions are follow. By providing reinforcement the overall performance & the life of movement system can be enhanced by the separation & filtration to increase the durability during tooth before & after construction of EPS blocks. There are various choices available for the separation of layer like geo textile soil cement, pozzolanic stabilized material geogrid or a reinforced concrete slab. For e.g to protect possible hydrocarbon attack on the upper most EPS block from the fuel spills a hydrocarbon resistant geomembrane cover can be placed. & also the reinforced concrete b can be used and from heavy traffic loads. Other structural features can be anchored to the load distribution slab like tilt-up panel walls, impact barriers, light and power poles.

Generally the pavement system consists of select fill roadbase gravel and an asphalt a top the sepration layer is subsequently constructed with concrete pavement driving surface. Prevention from icing attack on EPS blocks also taken under consideration while constructing the roads in cold climate. On the surface of an insulated pavement the ice formation is occurred where the non-insulated pavement remains ice-free. EPS blocks is an excellent insulator because it blocks the pavement section constructed over EPS blocks form ice prior to adjoining areas and also prevent heats from reaching the pavement from the underlying soil. EPS blocks should keep below the frost line for the region or to the top level for e.g. a minimum separation layer and pavement system material thickness of 3 feet should be provided over the EPS blocks, for frost line of 3 feet.

The Borman expressway near Gary,Indiana reconstructed by the EPS blocks which is specified by the EPS blocks which is specified by the Indiana Department of Transportation. Due to its proximity to Lake Michigan the area is underlain by extremely soft native soils. Equivalent to 400 dumps truck loads of traditional soil fill, 32 trucks loads of EPS blocks for this project. Thus, the use of EPS blocks saves the project time, testing, fuel and cost.

Stadium And Theatre seating

EPS blocks can be used in Auditorium movie theatre gymnasium and churches to form tired sitting in about location. New construction in Reno Asian projects EPS blog make it well suited due to their high compression resistance and lightweight. To create the desired profile EPS blocks are fabricated and stacked to the project. In front of the block The fascia riser are attached to provide from work to finished concrete treads. After this seat benches and other attachments and finished then added to complete the project.


The weight of EPS geofoam is typically range from about 0.7 to 2.85 pounds per cubic foot when manufactured which is about 11.2 to 45.7 kg per cubic metre. Due to this the Load or stress forced on underlying soils, structure sand utilities small dead. The load of native soil which is about hundred pounds per cubic foot Which is 160 2 kg/ metre to reduce this load this soil should be replaced with EPS geofoam. To reduce settlement and improving bearings capacity the specialised foundation or site preloading is needed but do you to EPS geofoam this can be eliminated. The use of EPS on the big project and structure can reduce the load or stress to the earth for better life.


Compressor resistance of range are available in EPS geofoam. To minimise and the cost of the project the project designer can change the specific type of EPS required to support design. Different types of EPS geofoam can be used in single project for maximise of savings.


The stability of eps geofoam is very good when it is correctly specified and installed it can also be considered as permanent material.


EPS is an efficient thermal insulator it has been used in various building application for insulating expect some application it cannot be used directly for insulating.


Chemical exposure

When the EPS geofoam exposed to certain hydrocarbon chemical it need some protection to avoid the damage to EPS geofoam. For the protection of EPS geofoam from the hydrocarbon chemical there are various number of hydrocarbon resistance geomembrane are available. Before using the geomembrane make sure that they are suitable or compatible with EPS eg. Chlorosulphonated polyethylene (CSPE) and ethylene interpolymer alloys (EIAs).To determine the nature of the contaminants and their possible effect the laboratory testing should be performed in the location with contaminated soils.


With a flame retardant EPS geofoam is manufactured in North America. EPS is combustible like many construction material. Project site procedure open flame like welding performed then appropriate precautions should be implemented at project. EPS geofoam is protected from exposure by soil concrete or other cover materials in geotechnical finished application. Gypsum board or concrete should be used in buildings. A flame retardant is a part of EPS geofoam.EPS is combustible.

UV lights

If EPS is exposed to sunlight for long periods of time it is susceptible to ultra violet degradation. Degradation caused by long exposure to sunlight it turns into yellow colored dust but it does not change the property of partical. The yellow coloured dust can be removed by the power washing.


If the wind speed is high on the building location then it should be protect by the shifting i.e to put some weight on the blocks like sandbag etc.


EPS geofoam is buoyant because of its light weight & closed-cell structure. Ensure that the potential flotation forces are accounted for within the condition of the site while construction and post construction. While the design proper care should be taken. During the uplift adequate surcharge must be provided that is soil or pavement cover or an alternate means of passive restraint. Alternately for suitable drains or other dewatering systems Material can be installed above the water table or the water table can be lowered. To reduce the potential uplift forces drainage can be provided between the EPS geofoam bill and the natural soils. By using EPS geofoam the uplift force can be reduced also it prevents water from infiltration.

Water absorption

Due to the closed sale structure of EPSE limit the water absorption. No change in EES Jio phone weight is expected over the time when it is used in well drained conditions. Due to water absorption if installed in submerged application a slight increase in weight of the EPS geofoam can be expected.


In many composite application EPS geofoam can be reused and recycled such as lightweight concrete, plastic lumber, weather resistant outdoor decks,fencing, drain field aggregate etc. To deliver the EPS geofoam to project site fever trucks with lighter loads are required, compared with traditional fill materials.It also can help to less pollution from fuel emissions and less wear and tear on roadways and infrastructure.

Ease of handling

Building with EPS geofoam becomes easier no special equipment required. The handling of the EPS (THERMOCOL) BLOCKS are not very hard it can be easily carried by the labour or with mechanised equipment. This is important when the construction sites is very congested and not easy to carry traditional equipment or compaction equipment. EPS geofoam is easy to cut using hot wire cutter handsaw etc.

Construction time

With the help of EPS geofoam the result in construction time becomes shorter because of faster replacement rates. It helps to maintain project in extremely tight construction schedules weather condition does not affect on rates of EPS geofoam.

Construction cost

With the use of EPS geofoam it reduce the load on adjacent supporting structure compare to the other project cost. Less robust and less expensive structures can be designed it is important for underground utilities. With the use of EPS (THERMOCOL) BLOCKS the light with fill materials is usually offset by saving when the project cost are considered search as a more installation cost and lower maintenance.


Since 1960s the EPS (THERMOCOL) BLOCKS has been used as a geotechnical material. The weight of EPS (THERMOCOL) BLOCKS is approximately 1% of the soil & approximately 10% of other light weight materials. The load imposed on adjacent & underlying soils & structure is reduced by the EPS (THERMOCOL) BLOCKS due to light weight fill of material. EPS (THERMOCOL) BLOCKS can be use to solve engineering challenges it is not a general soil fill replacement material. EPS (THERMOCOL) BLOCKS are easy to handle during construction it does not need any special equipment to carry. EPS (THERMOCOL) BLOCKS don t have effect of any occurring weather conditions. Jobsite challenges can easily reduce with the help of EPS (THERMOCOL) BLOCKS due to it is lightweight & easy to cut. It improves stability against bearing & slope failures & reduces settlement due to lighter load. Its physical properties will retained under engineered condition of use & its service life is more comparable to other construction materials. Numerous type of material is available in EPS (THERMOCOL) BLOCKS which can be chosen by the designer for the specific application. Expandable polystyrene is created in a two stage, perform lead process. To suit specific project need the blocks can be cut into various shapes & sizes & compressive resistance of range. As an engineered produce the required compressive resistance can be obtained. Compared to soil & rock the EPS (THERMOCOL) BLOCKS density is only 1% & it's controlled during manufacturing process the stress on underlying subgrades can be reduced significantly due to its ultra light weight fill of material.


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